Out of State Chapters

  • VSUAA - Atlanta (GA) Chapter

    The VSUAA-Metro Atlanta, Georgia Chapter comprises of alumni who reside in and around the Metro Atlanta, Georgia area.

    The chapter meets every 3rd Saturday of the month, from September through June, at various chapter members' homes on a rotating basis. Meetings begin at 4 PM with fellowship immediately following.

    Fran Davis, President
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    Join the Chapter on Facebook

  • VSUAA - Baltimore (MD) Chapter

    The VSUAA - Baltimore, MD Chapter comprises of alumni who reside in and around the areas of Baltimore City and Baltimore County, Maryland.

    The chapter meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month from September through June at the Junior Achievement of Central Maryland, 10711 Red Run Blvd., Owings Mills, MD 21117.

    Chapter dues are $60 per year, including the Association’s national membership dues.

    Allyson Simpson, President
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    Join the Chapter on Facebook

  • VSUAA - Charlotte (NC) Chapter

    The VSUAA-Charlotte, NC Chapter comprises of alumni who reside in and around the Charlotte, NC, area.

    The chapter meets quarterly on a virtual basis.  The notice is posted on the chapter's Facebook page 10 days before the meeting date.  Chapter dues are $60.00 per year, including the Association's National Membership.

    Crystal Burns, President
    (803) 524-1872
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    Join the Chapter on Facebook

  • VSUAA - Columbia (MD) Chapter

    The VSUAA - Columbia, MD Chapter was chartered in 1983 and comprises of alumni residing in and around Howard County, Maryland.

    The chapter meets every 2nd Saturday of every other month beginning in September at the Howard County Center of African American Culture, 5434 Vantage Point Road, Columbia. MD 21044. Meetings begin at 10:00 AM.

    Chapter dues are $50.00 annually, including the Association's national membership dues.

    Brenda Conners, President
    (301) 437 - 0890
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  • VSUAA - Dallas-Fort Worth (TX) Chapter

    The VSUAA-Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas Chapter was chartered in 2016 for alumni who reside in and around the Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas area.

    Linda Moye, President
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  • VSUAA - Florida Alumni Chapter
    The chapter was chartered in 2019 as the VSUAA-Greater Daytona Beach/Jacksonville/Orlando Area Chapter.  In 2024, the VSUAA Board of Directors approved the chapter's request to be recharteerd and renamed the VSUAA-Florida Alumni Chapter to reflect the growing number of VSU alumni within the state.  

    Miriam Hughey-Guy, Vice-President
    (703) 408 - 8737
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  • VSUAA - Delaware Chapter

    The VSUAA-Delaware Chapter was chartered in 2019 and is comprised of alumni who reside within the State of Delaware, which currently includes the counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex.

    Iris Borders, President
    (302) 983 - 3628

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  • VSUAA - Fayetteville (NC) Chapter

    The VSUAA-Fayetteville (NC) Chapter was chartered in 1997 and comprises of alumni who reside in and around the Fayetteville, North Carolina, area. The chapter meets quarterly, and meeting locations are announced when meetings are scheduled.

    Jenklin Toney, President
    (910) 624 - 0234
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  • VSUAA - Greater Triangle Area (NC) Chapter

    The VSUAA-Greater Triangle Area Alumni (North Carolina) Chapter was chartered in 2016 for alumni who reside in and around Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill, as well as the surrounding areas.

    Chapter dues are $60.00 annually, including the Association's national membership dues.

    Dennis Snead, President
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    Visit the chapter's website:  https://vsuaagtac.com

  • VSUAA – New England Chapter

    The VSUAA – New England Chapter comprises of alumni who reside in and around the state of Massachusetts.  

  • VSUAA – New York Chapter

    The VSUAA – Greater New York Chapter 

  • VSUAA – North Jersey Chapter

    The VSUAA – North Jersey Chapter comprises of alumni who reside in and around the Newark, Jersey City, Patterson, and Clifton, New Jersey areas.

  • VSUAA - Philadelphia (PA) Chapter

    The VSUAA-Philadelphia Chapter comprises of alumni who reside in and around the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    Dr. Mildred F. Johnson, President
    (215) 224 - 4086
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    Join the Chapter on Facebook

  • VSUAA - Prince George's County (MD) Chapter

    The VSUAA-Prince George's County, MD Chapter was chartered in 2012 for alumni who reside in Prince George's County, Maryland.

    The chapter meets every 3rd Tuesday from September through June at the Bowie City Hall (Room 243), 15901 Excalibur Rd. Bowie, MD 20715. Meetings begin at 6:30 PM.  The chapter’s membership dues are $55 annually, including the Association’s national membership dues. Visit the chapter's website at www.vsuaapg.wix.com/pgmd.

    Vanecia Davis, President 
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    Join the Chapter on Facebook

  • VSUAA - Washington (DC) Chapter

    The VSUAA-Washington, DC Chapter comprises of alumni who reside in and around the Washington, DC Metropolitan area. This includes the District of Columbia and the Maryland counties of Prince George's and Montgomery. 

    Until further notice, the chapter meets virtually via Zoom every 2nd Wednesday from September through June. Meetings begin at 7 PM.  Please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive the Zoom meeting login information. Chapter dues are $60 per year, including the Association’s national membership dues.

    Please visit the Chapter's websites at www.vsuaadc.com and www.trojantags.com.

    Patrick Johnson, President
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Happy Birthday To All VSU Alumni Born In November

Here's to another year of good health and happiness. We hope it's a great day!

    Who Will Be The Next Mr. & Ms. VSU Alumni

    Who Will Rise to the Occasion and Claim the Title of Mr. or Ms. VSU Alumni?

    The stage is set. The spotlight is on. This is your chance to cement your legacy and shine as the pride of our alumni community! The title is yours to claim--are you ready?

    For more details, please join us for a virtual interest meeting on November 20th at 7 PM. (See Zoom link below)


    Zoom Meeting Details.

    Mr. and Ms. Alumni Contest

    Time: Nov 20, 2024, 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)



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