Types of Membership

The Virginia State University Alumni Association currently offers three types of Membership: Annual, Associate, and Life.  These are described in detail below.

Annual Membership - $30.00
Annual Membership is designated for those individuals who attended Virginia State or any of its previous designations.  Those who subscribe within this category pay national yearly dues of $30.00 to the Alumni Association directly –at large- or through a local chapter and receive full membership benefits for one year.  Membership is FREE for New Graduates following their first year after graduation.

Associate Membership - $30.00
Associate Membership is designated for those individuals who did not attend Virginia State or any of its previous designations but are interested in advancing the University's goals through the Alumni Association.  Those who subscribe within this category pay annual national dues of $30.00 to the National Alumni Association directly –at large- or through a local chapter and receive full membership benefits for one year.

Edward A. Ragland Life Membership - $750.00**
Life Membership is conferred to individuals who meet the qualifications in one of the above membership designations, submit an application, and pay the $750.00 fee.  A subscribing life member is an individual making payments towards life membership.

****Note: Local chapter dues vary and are in addition to the National membership dues of $30.00

***In 2000, the Association's Board of Directors renamed its life membership status to the "Edward A. Ragland Life Membership" in honor of the Association's 26th National Alumni President

Happy Birthday To All VSU Alumni Born In December

Here's to another year of good health and happiness. We hope it's a great day!

    Who Will Be The Next Mr. & Ms. VSU Alumni

    Who Will Rise to the Occasion and Claim the Title of Mr. or Ms. VSU Alumni?  The stage is set. The spotlight is on. This is your chance to cement your legacy and shine as the pride of our alumni community! The title is yours to claim--are you ready?

     Mr. VSU Alumni Support Your Favorite Contestant

    Dr. Trevon D. Boone


    Dr. Ray Cunningham, III 

    Maurice B. Jones  

    Mr. Tarrence Hughes 



     Ms. VSU Alumni

    Support Your Favorite Contestant

    Colleen Simpson 

    Andriece King 

    Shalyn Moore

    Marlo Smith  