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Purpose and Objectives

The Virginia State University Alumni Association is organized for the mutual benefit and prosperity of Virginia State University (VSU), its graduates, former students, and others committed to our Alma Mater. As a collective expression of gratitude to VSU, we form ourselves into this association so that our work and dedication will strengthen and support our Alma Mater ensuring that it remains a viable institution and that memories of our school life will be kept alive.

The objectives of the Association are to:
  • Act as a unifying agent.
  • Govern, supervise, and regulate all chapters established under the authority and sanction of the Virginia State University Alumni Association.
  • Solicit financial support and other resources from alumni, friends of the University, and other sources.
  • Recruit students to attend Virginia State University.
  • Maintain a wholesome and supportive relationship with the University when suggesting or implementing alumni programs.
  • Organize and mobilize the collective strength of the Alumni for the advancement of education.
  • Stimulate and maintain a spirit of loyalty, love, and pride for our Alma Mater.
  • Assist students through financial aid.
  • Encourage and maintain a friendly, working relationship among graduates, former students, and Virginia State University personnel.
  • Promote professional growth and reward outstanding service contributions to students and alumni of VSU.
  • Acquire real and personal property.
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