Chapter Forms

Download Instructions
To download a form, click on the MS Word or PDF icon. A separate window will open and you can then save the document on your computer for future use. To save files, go to "File" (on the browser menu) and then select "Save As." Choose the appropriate file folder or disk drive location where you would like to save the document. Once the document has been saved, you can incorporate your chapter's information into the form.

VSU Receives $100,000 Commitment From Newport News Shipbuilding

Virginia State University is pleased to announce that HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding division has generously pledged $100,000 over five years to the university to establish the Newport News Shipbuilding Scholars Program. This program aims to provide financial assistance and mentorship to underrepresented students pursuing engineering and related degrees at VSU.

The Newport News Shipbuilding Scholars Program will provide much-needed support to students who may face financial barriers. The program will offer scholarships to cover educational expenses, as well as mentorship and internship opportunities with professionals in the engineering industry. This will help students achieve their academic goals and provide them with valuable experience and connections as they enter the workforce.